Uplift OD Conference

  • 19 Oct 2023
  • 21 Oct 2023

Overview of the Conference

The 4th hybrid OLDN International OD & Change Conference is co-hosted and powered by the passion of The Vuka Collective, this Conference is a testament of our shared mission. Together, we endeavor to define and sculpt Zimbabwe and Africa's leadership role on regional, continental, and global landscapes—a journey marked by Crafting the Future Together. Vuka Collective is steadfast in its commitment to rewiring leadership, team, and organizational mindsets, creating a path for transformation rooted in human and planetary well-being, both on an individual and collective scale.

Our collaboration aims to co-craft a dynamic future for Zimbabwe and Africa at large — a future characterized by inclusive growth, resilient health systems, and sustainable solutions. Our mission is to cultivate spaces that embrace the richness of diverse perspectives and emotions, nurturing the capacity to confront intricate social, environmental, and economic challenges. 

How might we change our workspaces, families, communities, and countries into thriving spaces for everyone and everything? In this three-day journey together as leaders convening with this purpose, we invite you to be as curious about the process of finding answers as we are about the answers themselves. Individually and together, all of us gathered here for the UpLift OD Conference have immense positive change capacity, exactly what is needed and what the field of OD theory and practice is being called to lead in the world - the largest change project in human history, not just surviving but moving all of us towards planetary flourishing. We are in the business of building a better world. And at this conference, here in Zimbabwe, here in Africa, we are co-creating the next great episode of OD history. And not just ourselves; we are in a community of OD collaboration with colleagues online and part of the global AI Jam community.

So let us discover ourselves and each other through OD processes that connect our individual and collective strengths - from our opening and closing rituals built for collaboration, understanding, and action to building agreements for participatory engagement so that all voices (in the room and online) are heard.


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