• 24 Jan 2025 7:18 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I know you are thinking, why another blog? I've got more than enough; I'm not looking for anything else to read. That is fair, and ISODC is starting this because we get so numerous questions about conferences, the organization, the journal, how to submit to the journal and, most importantly, new people write in to get information on how to get into the field.

    After answering the same questions repeatedly, it came to me that if we establish a blog, I could have Blog posts on some of those topics and answer some questions here, so more would have the answers without having to write to info@isodc.org

    I am Joanne C. Preston, President and Editor of the Organization Development Journal. Since I hold two of the key positions that seem to get many questions, I am going to start writing topics for this blog. I will get guest writers so that there will be more interesting topics to read.

    Who is this blog for? Everyone is interested in the topics discussed. This is why it is on the front page.

    What topics, you ask? There are several things that I wish to focus on in the beginning.

    They are:

    • Interesting events that ISODC is doing during the year
    • Keeping you updated on the May Information Exchange and Conference at Sacred Heart University
    • Provocative topics that face OD&C or topics that encourage me to write about it
    • Organization Development & Change or Management Consulting tips.
    • Discussions about starting the business
    • Getting visibility for your Consulting Practice by publishing articles in the ODJ
    • Helpful Hints on preparing a manuscript for the ODJ
    • Engaging Ideas in Change Management
    • New technologies
    • And others that pop into my mind


    I want to develop this blog, attract other authors for innovative ideas, and tie a digital store with this blog so that MEMBERs can sell their digital products and get more visibility because, with the launch, I will mention the new digital product in the blog. The blog will be open to everyone, but selling products in the store will be open to MEMBERS of ISODC.

    This is just the beginning, and I hope to see our members and new people visit the blog to provide comments and ask questions. I want this to be interactive and a RESPECTFUL exchange of ideas.

    I hope to see many of you active so goodbye for now


    Joanne C. Preston, Ph.D.


ISODC: Organizational Development and Change Management

The International Society for Organization Development and Change (ISODC) is the leading international OD association. Our members are OD consultants, professors, students, corporations, non-profits, NGOs, and anyone interested in building a strong OD network around the globe.

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