ISODC: Organizational Development and Change Management

The International Society for Organization Development and Change (ISODC) is the leading international OD association. Our members are OD consultants, professors, students, corporations, non-profits, NGOs, and anyone interested in building a strong OD network around the globe.

The ISODC provides training and development through annual conferences, webinars, and the esteemed peer-reviewed Organizational Development Journal.

ISODC members receive the monthly newsletter, discounted event registrations, and free access to our organizational development, organizational change management, organizational effectiveness, and leadership development webinars. 

  • 04 Mar 2025 2:31 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Joanne C. Preston, PhD

    Editor of the Organization Development Journal & President of ISODC

    There are days I feel my life's work is behind me.  Then I realize that I am healthy and still breathing and I dream again of the future. What will I achieve with my remaining time? What is there to accomplish that I wish I had done earlier.?

    For those of you in your later years, many opportunities await. Now is the time to plan those plans. Do not retire from your 9 to 5 without a plan that makes you feel you are making a difference in your life. What the phrase, “Making a Difference” means to me and what it means to you are very different. They are important and do not let these dreams die with you. You now have more free time than during your full-time job. Spend it carefully to achieve peace and satisfaction. Build a strategy around what you want to do, accomplish and the legacy that you wish to leave behind. Your destination matters until the universe ends your journey.

    How about younger individuals who dwell on past mistakes, missed opportunities, or feel stuck in a stagnant life? You are not your past. What matters is your destination. What brings you energy and happiness? Build a life strategy around the future that you want and start today making that happen. Every day, you build your future with the behaviors you engage in and the thoughts you think.

    Starting to behave differently and focusing on your current direction makes everything achievable.

    Regardless of your age, begin by reflecting on:

    Intentional Living or Work: This phrase reminds us that every step will align with our goals, whether in personal development, career, or relationships.

    Strategic Planning: It emphasizes the need to set clear goals and maintain a focus on them to ensure you are progressing in the right direction.

    Meaningful Choices: It highlights the importance of making choices that lead to fulfilling destinations rather than aimless wandering or counterproductive paths.

  • 28 Feb 2025 3:48 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Joanne C. Preston, PhD

    Editor-in-Chief of ODJ and President of ISODC

    Being Present

    Being present, also known as mindfulness, refers to fully engaging with and experiencing the current moment without distraction or judgment. It involves focusing your attention on the here and now, rather than ruminating on the past or worrying about the future. Being present can enhance your awareness, improve your mental clarity, and foster a deeper connection with your surroundings and the people around you.

    Key Aspects of Being Present:

    • Awareness: observing your thoughts, feelings, and sensations in the present moment.

    • Acceptance To accept the present moment without trying to alter or reject it.

    • Non-Judgment: Observing your thoughts and emotions without labeling them as good or bad.

    Benefits of Being Present:

    • Reduced Stress: By focusing on the present, you ease anxiety and stress related to past regrets or future uncertainties.

    • Improved Focus: Being present enhances your ability to concentrate and be productive in your tasks.

    • Enhanced Relationships: Mindfulness helps you to be fully attentive and present in your interactions, leading to more meaningful connections.

    • Improved emotional control: means responding calmly and rationally, not impulsively.

    By cultivating the practice of being present, you lead a more balanced, fulfilling, and connected life.

  • 18 Feb 2025 1:22 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Joanne C. Preston, PhD
    Editor-in-Chief of the Organization Development Journal


    As an editor, I observe authors dash off abstracts, submit them without comment, and consider them complete. The abstract serves as an advertisement for the article. How do you read articles? I review the abstract to determine the value of the article. APA7 is generous, with 250 words in the abstract. There is much more to say than “These results show that this study has much to say to the field!” It is hard to believe, but I see this regularly in submitted articles.

    Begin your abstract with a sentence or two about why this article is Important to literature and how it moves the thinking forward because it fills a gap that has not been addressed before.

    The following sentence will talk about the Objectives of this article. What are the questions that you are answering with this work? What aims did you have for the study?

    The Method needs some attention. Be clear about what you did to collect this information and why the method is valid and reliable. Include in this description the participants, the data collection techniques, and the analytical tools you used.

    For the Results, you will explain the key ideas you found. There is not enough room to discuss everything you find in the abstract. These results are related to the key points that you will make in the discussion section, which is next. It is just a quick snapshot of the overall findings.

    Implications and discussion are the last areas covered. This is where you mention the significant additions to the field, and for scholar/practitioner journals, you enlighten the readers on how they can use this information. This is the part that is missing. These statements are what compel individuals to review the entire 30-page study. You want to make an impact with these sentences so that the reader says, “I need to know more about this work because it influences my area.”

    A fictional example of an abstract


    The literature on leadership is well documented, but there is a significant gap in how high school activities help develop future leadership. The objective of this study was to see how playing team sports develops leadership skills as opposed to individual sports activities. The subjects were 30 high school sophomores and juniors, of which 15 played team sports while the other 15 engaged in individual sports such as tennis. The participants were interviewed with open-ended questions piloted for reliability and validity. All subjects were given the Adams leadership skills test after each interview. SPSS analyzed the data. The results indicated a significant correlation in the leadership skills of those who engaged in individual sports compared to those who played team sports. This work may indicate that if you want to ensure college-bound students obtain leadership skills, have them play an individual sport. Individual sports seem to give the person full responsibility for the outcome and teach them more about leadership skills than team sports, which may spread the responsibility across the entire team.

  • 06 Feb 2025 1:55 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ISODC Blog February 5. 2025

    The Story:              

    While in the Rift Valley in Kenya, Dr. Taaita Toweet asked me to negotiate a conflict in a community with the Kikuyu and Kalenjin tribes. The conflict had gotten so intense that the town’s people were afraid that blood would spill. We met in the town hall with both groups jammed up on either side of the large meeting room, staring at each other menacingly. I was there with the heads of both tribes in the village and Dr. Toweet. I have experienced similar situations involving direct conflict, so interacting with glares was not frightening.  My first thought was to begin this intervention with something both groups could believe in. I had been to that part of Kenya several times and knew the family was essential to Kenyans.

    I asked the tribal leaders if both groups would plan together. They thought it was possible. I suggested to the leaders that we plan to make this village safe “for their children to have a better life than they did!” The tribal leaders felt strongly that both groups would spend energy on their children’s future.

    The two tribal leaders presented the story that if the conflict continued, fighting would break out, and their families would be hurt. Both groups agreed. Then I proposed we make the village better and safer for their children instead of arguing. The men and women of both tribes readily agreed to work on this positive future. Their school was small and did not comfortably fit all the village children. Everyone was concerned about this problem in the village. After some visioning from both tribes, the group realized they all had the same wish for the school. We moved into developing plans for building a larger school and more teachers, which Dr. Toweet said he could provide as a government official. 

    Forgetting their differences, the two tribes joined forces to build a better educational experience for their children. These two tribes dislike each other and historically fought viciously over insignificant reasons. Compromise would not have worked. Neither group would have kept the compromise for long. There had to be a common goal to move away from violence and toward a peaceful resolution. Dr. Toweet wrote to me that the new school brought peace for years. The two tribes cooperated even though we did not directly discuss the cause of the conflict.

    Why did I avoid compromise?

    In a compromise, all parties must leave something of value to agree. This may work temporarily, but in the long run, people miss what they give up and eventually break the agreement. I felt a compromise would not work, and the disagreements would soon escalate to physical fighting!

    In this instance, I chose a Superordinate goal to produce a unity of thought

    A Superordinate Goal:

    1. something big enough and compelling enough to aid individuals and groups in overlooking personal differences. 

    2. to achieve something significantly beyond either group’s current reach. 

    3.  something that no single member could privately hold.   

    4. is close to a Common Value.
    • Secret Sauceany person or group cannot attain the goal alone! Think “mission to the moon,” 

      A subordinate goal is a target everyone wants to work together to obtain. In this case, the groups were willing to be in the same room but would not talk directly with each other. This was enough cooperation for me, as a facilitator, to engage the tribes in developing a shared vision.

      If you, as a leader, take the time and have patience, the following process can lead to a superordinate goal.

      The process can be:

    1. What do you not want in this situation—each group decides and shares.
    • What do you want your ideal future to look like? Each group shares.
    • The leader facilitates brainstorming ideas that lead to a bright future for everyone in the room and beyond. This Idea becomes what all groups want to happen. 
    • Cannot stop with one idea but create various ideas to reach this innovative dream.
    • Groups can combine ideas if necessary.
    • The Ultimate aim is

    • Is a goal that everyone agrees with is the Future for all
    • It is something that makes the future better for every member, both in and out of the room
    • The group will work on establishing ways to accomplish it within a designated time frame

    OK, this is a dramatic conflict that does not happen in an office, but I have found that it could almost reach that point if the conflict goes unaddressed. In one situation where I was an employee, there was competition and conflict, and the head of this team called in a facilitator for a day. The facilitator used compromise as his primary tool to intervene in this aggressively competitive group. That compromise lasted a week. The atmosphere at work increased in tension and became toxic for both sides. Every day, I waited for someone to sabotage my next presentation or idea or report me for some minor thing to the boss. I became so frustrated and dissatisfied that I resigned from that organization within a month and went happily to another. No, the compromise did not work in that office because the conflict had gotten out of hand.

    While you may not encounter extreme situations like machetes in the boardroom, office, meetings, or home, every leader copes with conflict. A leader’s job is to get the teams working in the same direction with commitment and enthusiasm. 

    If the conflict becomes toxic, REMEMBER SUPERORDINATE GOAL!


    Joanne C. Preston, PhD

    President of ISODC and Editor-in-Chief of the Organization Development Journal

  • 31 Jan 2025 9:04 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    • These websites use our ISBN number on their site
    • State that they are in SCOPUS but they are not because our journal uses the ISBN # in that database
    • They state that they are peer-reviewed BUT
    • They Accept articles immediately and “Publish” in a month
    • There description is stolen from the ODJ with emphasis on OD&C and Change
    • They publish mostly from hard sciences
    • Charge at least 250 USD for publication

    I am letting people know about these fake copies of the Organization Development Journal because I am getting emails almost daily from authors who present an invoice and ask when they will have their manuscripts published.

    The Real Organization Development Journal Information:

    1. Our ISBN number is printed in every issue and we are both print and digital
    2. We NEVER CHARGE for publication!
    3. Published by International Society for Organization Development and Change (
    4. The Editor-in-Chief is Joanne C. Preston, PhD 
    5. Submit manuscripts to
    6. It is double-blind peer-review by Dr. Tonya Henderson at
    7. Our journal is kept within the ISODC member access to the website
    8. There is NO separate website for the Organization Development Journal
    9. We are in many databases listed on the inside cover including SCOPUS
    10. When your article is accepted for publication, you will sign a copyright release form and all Authors receive a printed copy after publication.
    11. We have an Editorial Board that has distinguished people within the OD&C field
    12. We only publish OD&C articles and Change articles – no other fields are accepted.

    We have reported these COPYCAT websites but since they are outside of the USA, there is little we can do to shut them down. Our staff urges you to be careful of journals like these online because they are stealing money from people who need to publish quickly to get tenure. 

    Authors have reported to me that not only are these fake journals taking money, but they are threatening the authors if they ask for the manuscript back. These are not good people and we at the real ODJournal are sorry about what they are doing and continually report these sites trying to get them shut down.

    Before a new writer submits to a fully online journal, please check out the Editor by looking up their credentials as well as the Editorial Board. Be sure the journal concentrates on your field of expertise by looking at what they are publishing not the description. The description could have been stolen.

    Your manuscripts are IMPORTANT so be CAREFUL where you send them for publication! 

    Wishing you all a good 2025!


    Joanne C. Preston, PhD

    Editor-in-Chief, the Organization Development Journal

    President of ISODC

  • 28 Jan 2025 10:11 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I decided to write about Use of Self since it is January, and many reflect on their lives during this month and decide to change. I noticed many internet posts declared on the second Friday of January that it was "Quitter's Day." I was not only disappointed, but I thought that was discouraging. We are in a field that emphasizes Self Improvement so maybe the dropout rate is not as bad. What I have noticed with people is that they go two weeks with their new habit and decide to quit after giving this new behavior a minimal trial period. They make the resolve to end their commitment that could influence their future positively.

    Why Does the Self Development Plan Go Wrong?

    When a self-improvement plan receives a commitment, the owner gets excited about the new habit that they want to tackle, and they overdo it. Think about it. How many times have you seen a friend who decides that they are going to exercise regularly do something like this:

    They exercise for 3 hours a day for two weeks. Then they realize after two weeks that they cannot fit 3 hours of free time into their personal and work schedule daily. After all that effort, the result is little weight loss or none, sore muscles, and exhaustion. When faced with these consequences, the decision is simple. Let us stop torturing ourselves! The brain said, "This behavior cannot be that good for me." No wonder there is Quitter's Day!

     Daily Decisions We Make and Life Implications

    These are conscious decisions we make. We do not realize that we make little decisions every day and that, over time, those small decisions can affect us dramatically. Take a moment to think about the thousands of decisions that you must make in one day! 

    How about these:

    1. What we eat: Choosing nutritious foods over processed ones can boost our energy levels, improve our overall health, and even enhance our mood. Not eating correctly can lead to obesity and other health issues related to it.
    2. How we spend our time: Deciding to use time wisely, whether it is working towards a goal, learning something new, or even taking time to relax, can significantly affect our productivity and satisfaction. When we do not plan carefully, we can become stressed and end up with physical or psychological issues.
    3. Who we interact with: The people we choose to surround ourselves with can influence our attitudes, behaviors, and overall happiness. When we hang with people who are toxic, it will influence us emotionally and sometimes physically.
    4. Our mindset: Choosing to approach situations with a positive attitude and an open mind can make challenges seem more manageable and opportunities more visible. While believing it is disastrous limits our creative problem-solving.
    5. Physical activity: Deciding to incorporate exercise into our daily routine can improve our physical health, mental well-being, and even extend our lifespan. If we decide to keep putting it off, we may face medical issues in the future.

    Each of these decisions might seem small in isolation, but over the years, they can lead to significant success or failure in many areas of our lives.

    The decision itself will not make this behavioral change happen.

    How Can We Accomplish Them?

    When you resolve to try a new habit, the first step is to look at your life schedule and ask yourself. "In the next two weeks, how much time can I commit to this new behavior?" If it is hard to do physically, it is a sound idea to start out slow. Try 15 to 20 minutes, then, after two weeks, reevaluate whether you need to reduce or extend the time allotted. If it is an effortless task physically, for example, eating healthily, assess if you must cook differently, find new recipes, or make two fresh meals - one for you and one for the family? Determine how much time you can afford to spend daily on this. Remember to start slowly, for example, just on the weekend for two weeks and then reassess. To have a new habit become permanent, one needs to do it for a month consistently. So, look at your life's demands and implement them thoughtfully, as carefully as you would for a client.

    Life Goals - Fitting Them into Life!

    Habits are one thing, but life goals are important too. I think about them in January and say this is the year, but a year passes, and I did not do any of them. There are so numerous things at work, with the family, keeping the house attractive, etc. that my To-Do list keeps me busy! Some tasks require weekly repetition, and little reward like grocery shopping or shoveling snow. Besides doing HAVE TO DOS - I want to have fun as well. With all these fires to put out, we just don't get around to something that seems so far in the future! We then resolve that will do them when we retire.

    If you choose to delay them, you might leave this world with your music still in you. Try prioritizing them into your busy schedule!

    Do you have life goals? Otherwise, consider whether this resonates with you. An uncomplicated way to make Life Goals visible is to determine 3 major things that interest you, that you want to accomplish before leaving this earth. I have been consistent with the same three all my life. 

    • Top Priority - Live Healthily so I can Live Longer
    • Second - Show my Love to My Family and Friends
    • Third - Leave an Impact in My Profession

    Those are mine and yours will be different. Twice a year, I make a subgoal to accomplish in each of these categories that will move these targets further along. After I chose the target for six months, I planned several straightforward tasks for each that I can do in 10 minutes a day- small intermediate things that are easy to accomplish. Yes, you can do something meaningful in 10 minutes. If a goal is to take a family vacation this summer, then you can go to the internet and seek places that seem fun and affordable. If it is to publish an article, you can download a few journal guidelines or look at AI to get topic ideas. Ten minutes, or a little more, is enough time to achieve various tasks. What is amazing is that if it is done consistently, you will make those Life Goals a reality!

    Remember to Do Life Goals Daily

    I describe my method below of including life goals daily. If you do not have a plan, then here is something you can adapt to your way of doing things. I type them to the top of my To Do list. They are just 10 minutes a day. I can fit 10 minutes in a day for each if they are on my list. Because they are on my list of Fire topics, they are a reminder that I want to do them. Here is an example:

    A Weekend To-Do List:

    • Have a salad, fish, and asparagus for dinner today
    • Call daughter and ask if we should plan a retreat for us; call Jim to catch up
    • Brainstorm some ideas for my next article

    1.     Shovel walks

    2.     Order groceries

    3.     Read storytelling book

    4.     Write for one hour

    5.     Exercise

    6.     Research Chapter

    7.     Etc.

    I am amazed at how many life goals I have accomplished by starting with just 10 minutes a day. Self-improvement takes effort and RECOGNIZE that:

    It is not what you have Done but what you Do that Counts, and It is not Who you are but Who You are Becoming that is Important!

    Happy 2025!

    Joanne C. Preston, PhD

    President of ISODC & Editor-in-Chief of the Organization Development Journal


  • 24 Jan 2025 7:18 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I know you are thinking, why another blog? I've got more than enough; I'm not looking for anything else to read. That is fair, and ISODC is starting this because we get so numerous questions about conferences, the organization, the journal, how to submit to the journal and, most importantly, new people write in to get information on how to get into the field.

    After answering the same questions repeatedly, it came to me that if we establish a blog, I could have Blog posts on some of those topics and answer some questions here, so more would have the answers without having to write to

    I am Joanne C. Preston, President and Editor of the Organization Development Journal. Since I hold two of the key positions that seem to get many questions, I am going to start writing topics for this blog. I will get guest writers so that there will be more interesting topics to read.

    Who is this blog for? Everyone is interested in the topics discussed. This is why it is on the front page.

    What topics, you ask? There are several things that I wish to focus on in the beginning.

    They are:

    • Interesting events that ISODC is doing during the year
    • Keeping you updated on the May Information Exchange and Conference at Sacred Heart University
    • Provocative topics that face OD&C or topics that encourage me to write about it
    • Organization Development & Change or Management Consulting tips.
    • Discussions about starting the business
    • Getting visibility for your Consulting Practice by publishing articles in the ODJ
    • Helpful Hints on preparing a manuscript for the ODJ
    • Engaging Ideas in Change Management
    • New technologies
    • And others that pop into my mind


    I want to develop this blog, attract other authors for innovative ideas, and tie a digital store with this blog so that MEMBERs can sell their digital products and get more visibility because, with the launch, I will mention the new digital product in the blog. The blog will be open to everyone, but selling products in the store will be open to MEMBERS of ISODC.

    This is just the beginning, and I hope to see our members and new people visit the blog to provide comments and ask questions. I want this to be interactive and a RESPECTFUL exchange of ideas.

    I hope to see many of you active so goodbye for now


    Joanne C. Preston, Ph.D.


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