ISODC: Organizational Development and Change ManagementThe International Society for Organization Development and Change (ISODC) is the leading international OD association. Our members are OD consultants, professors, students, corporations, non-profits, NGOs, and anyone interested in building a strong OD network around the globe. The ISODC provides training and development through annual conferences, webinars, and the esteemed peer-reviewed Organizational Development Journal. ISODC members receive the monthly newsletter, discounted event registrations, and free access to our organizational development, organizational change management, organizational effectiveness, and leadership development webinars. | Upcoming events
Come join other members across the globe as they collaborate, research, and practice their disciplines in a collegial, supportive, and nurturing environment!
What is ISODC?
"A leading international, collaborative movement promoting and effecting positive growth and change at the Individual, Team, Organization and Societal level."
Click here to view the ISODC Profile Presentation